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Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2023-01-06 | 104 Views | Share:

Average ConsummationUnit PriceAnnual KMCost per KMCost per Year
Gasoline6litre/100km1.78 €/Liter15,0000.107 €/Km1,605€
Diesel6litre/100km1.74 €/L15,0000.105 €/Km1,575€
Electricity14-19kWh/ 100km1.74 €/L15,0000.02-0.03€/Km338-405€

The maintenance cost

The maintenance cost of an electric car is lower than that of a thermal car.  Indeed, a study by the American organization Consumer Reports estimates that, on average, an electric car driver can expect to save almost USD4,000.—

In maintenance and repair costs over the total life of his vehicle.

The electric motor consists of  very few parts. Consequences? It is easier and therefore more economical to carry out the maintenance and repair of your vehicle.  The other elements (suspension, chassis, tyres etc.) are less stressed, thanks to less intense driving and therefore require less maintenance.

Thus, many costs incurred in the maintenance of a thermal car disappear with an electric car. In the end, only an intervention on the battery can represent a significant cost; but only if it is rented. In terms of insurance, electric vehicles being subject to fewer incidents, it is also possible to make savings.

We need to clarify that even while the initial costs of an EV compared to an internal combustion engine car may be higher now, but from a long run, the maintenance and charging costs of EVs are significantly lower thanks to EV’s much less movable mechanical parts than that of ICE car, needless to say state’s subsidies for EV and charging facilities, interest-free loans and preferential EV insurance.