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Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2022-12-15 | 59 Views | Share:

The emissions from its production up to disposal caused by electric cars are completely environment friendly than that of ICE (Internal Combustion Engine)?

To calculate the amount of CO2 produced by a car, not only the CO2 emitted during use must be taken into account, but also the emissions caused by its production and disposal.

Undoubtedly, the lifecycle CO2e emissions of an electric vehicle (EV) are drastically lower than a petrol or diesel alternative. Nevertheless, EVs currently generate CO2e emissions in their production and, if not charged with renewable electricity.

The production and disposal of an electric car is less environmentally friendly than that of a car with an internal combustion engine and the level of emissions from electric vehicles varies depending on how the electricity is produced.

However, considering the average energy mix in Europe, electric cars are already proving to be cleaner than vehicles running on petrol. As the share of electricity from renewable sources is set to increase in the future, electric cars should become even less harmful for the environment, especially given EU plans to make batteries more sustainable.

Electric vehicles will become carbon-neutral.