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FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)
Source: | Author:Caroline Zhang、Horizon EVkW、ofWeek EV | Published time: 2022-12-07 | 84 Views | Share:

1. What are the charging methods for pure electric vehicles?

At present, the charging methods of electric vehicles include slow charging, fast charging, battery replacement, wireless charging and mobile charging, but most electric vehicles on the market only support slow charging and fast charging, and are equipped with slow charging and fast charging interfaces. Other charging methods are not widely used yet.

A. Do you know what is slowing charging?

Slow charging (conventional charging, car charging) is suitable for car chargers and home wall-mounted charging piles. The current and power are relatively small, and the general charging time takes 6-8 hours.

B. What is fast charging?

Fast charging (ground charging, emergency charging) includes two forms of charging stations and mobile charging vehicles. It mainly charges the battery directly with a large current through an off-board charger, so that the battery can be charged to about 80% in a short time. , Generally, it can be fully charged in 1 hour.

C. What is battery replacement ? 

For battery replacement, the car battery is charged by replacing the power battery. When the power battery is exhausted, replace the low-power battery pack with a fully charged battery, and send the replaced battery to the replacement station for slow charging.

D. What is wireless charging?

Wireless charging is to automatically connect to the grid for charging and discharging through the wireless charging source board embedded in the road and parking space without using wires and cables. This charging method is convenient and safe to use, but it has not been used in mass production for the time being.

E. What is mobile charging?

Mobile charging  is an extension of wireless charging. Car owners do not need to look for charging stations and spend time charging. They can charge while cruising on the road. The mobile charging system will be buried under a section of road surface to mark out the charging section without requiring additional space.

2.Does fast charging of electric vehicles harm the battery?

The fast charging of electric vehicles does not do much damage to the battery. The reason why some people think that fast charging will harm the battery is because the battery will be in a state of high current, high voltage and high power during fast charging, and the battery temperature at this time will also increase. The temperature rises sharply, and the upper temperature limit of fast charging will be higher than that of slow charging.

But in fact, current electric vehicles will have charging overheating protection. Once the temperature of the power battery is too high, it will automatically stop charging. At the same time, the vehicle's battery management system will also monitor the battery status in real time during the charging process. It will automatically reduce the charging current and voltage, and will automatically stop charging in case of emergency.

In addition to charging overheating protection, when the electric vehicle is charged to 80% with fast charging, the charging current and voltage will be gradually reduced. This is actually a protection for the battery. Voltage, then it will definitely damage the battery.  

3.Fast charging or slow charging of electric vehicles, which one has a greater impact on battery life?

The use of fast charging and slow charging for electric vehicles has little impact on battery life. During the fast charging process, the charging current and power will reach the highest value only when the power is at 30-80%. After 80%, the charging current, power, and voltage of the vehicle will also be greatly reduced. Such a charging setting is conducive to prolonging the service life of the power battery.

The slow charging adopts the constant current charging method, the charging current during the slow charging period is relatively small, and the current change is also very stable, which will not have a great impact on the battery life. At the same time, whether using fast charging or slow charging, when the electric car is fully charged, it will automatically stop charging to prevent the battery from being overcharged.   

4.Do you know?  What really has an impact on battery life is charging habits.

1). What is the best time to charge the battery? 

The electric vehicle should be charged in time before the power is lower than 20%, otherwise the battery will be over-discharged, which will directly affect the service life of the battery.

2). Is it good or bad to charge the battery frequently? 

Frequently filling the battery of an electric vehicle will also cause the battery to be overcharged, which will reduce the life and capacity of the battery over time.

3). What else should I pay attention to when charging? 

If you often use electrical equipment such as air conditioners when charging the vehicle, it will increase the load inside the power battery and shorten the battery life. The vehicle should be kept off during charging, and it is best not to stay in the car.

4). Do we need to worry too much about battery life?

In fact, it is unnecessary. Nowadays, many car owners mainly use fast charging, which is much more efficient than slow charging, and the impact on battery life is actually minimal. Even if the battery pack’s life is abnormally attenuated, it can still be replaced through the manufacturer’s warranty. Most of the battery packs of electric vehicles now have a lifetime warranty for the first owner, or an 8-year 160,000-kilemeter warranty.